<< Psalm 109 >>
Wesley's Notes

109:1 God - The author and matter of all my praises.
109:4 Adversaries - They requite my love with enmity, as it is explained ver.5.
109:6 A wicked man - Who will rule him with rigour and cruelty. Satan - To accuse him; for this was the place and posture of accusers in the Jewish courts.
109:7 Sin - Because it is not from his heart.
109:10 Desolate places - Into which they are fled for fear and shame.
109:11 Catch - Heb. ensnare, take away not only by oppression but also by cunning artificers. Stranger - Who hath no right to his goods.
109:17 Delighted not - In desiring and promoting the welfare of others.
109:18 Garment - Which a man wears constantly. Like water - Water in the cavity of the belly, between the bowels, is almost certain death. And oil soaking into any of the bones, will soon utterly destroy it.
109:20 That speak evil against my soul - With design to take away my life.
109:21 Is good - Above the mercy of all the creatures.
109:23 When - Towards the evening, when the sun is setting. The locust - Which is easily driven away with every wind.

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