94:4 Utter - Or pour forth freely, constantly, abundantly, as a fountain doth waters (so this Hebrew word signifies.) Hard things - Insolent, and intolerable words against thee and thy people. 94:7 Of Jacob - He who takes that name to himself, but has no regard to his people. 94:9 Planted - The word is emphatical, signifying the excellent structure of the ear, or the several organs belonging to the sense of hearing. Formed - By which word he intimates the accurate and curious workmanship of the eye. 94:10 Know - Mens thoughts and words and actions. 94:11 Thoughts - Yes, he knoweth all things, even the most secret things, as the thoughts of men; and in particular your thoughts; much more your practices. 94:12 Blessed - Those afflictions which are accompanied with Divine instructions are great and true blessings. 94:15 But - God will declare himself to be a righteous judge, and will again establish justice in the earth. Follow - They will all approve of it, and imitate this justice of God in all their actions. 94:16 Rise - To defend and help me. I looked hither and thither, but none appeared; God alone helped me. 94:17 Dwelt - In the place of silence, the grave. 94:19 Thoughts - While my heart was filled with various and perplexing thoughts, as this Hebrew word signifies. Comforts - Thy promises, and the remembrance of my former experience of thy care and kindness. 94:20 Shall - Wilt thou take part with the unrighteous powers of the world who oppress thy people. A law - By virtue of those unrighteous decrees which they have made. |